Affiliated to CBSE

To form out students into persons of character, conscious of their human rights and responsibilities.




Kottayam Dt, In

09:00 - 15:30

Monday to Friday

School Rules

General Rules And Regulation include:

  • Every student is expected to be in the school in time.
  • All students must be clean and come to school neatly dressed in school uniform according to season.
  • Writing on the wall is strictly forbidden.
  • Repeated absence without leave or unexplained absence for more than ten consecutive days renders the student liable to have his/her name struck off the register. Absence without leave for more than five days immediately after a vacation renders the student liable to dismissal.
  • During the school hours no student can leave the school premises without the permission of the principal. Permission will be granted only at the specific written request from the parent/guardians.
  • All students must speak English In school premises. Defaulters are Liable to be penalized.
  • Students are reminded to address their teachers and the members of staff with due respect and politeness
  • Students should take good care of their books and personal belongings. Each article should be marked with students name, class & section so that identification will be easier in case of loss.
  • The school is not responsible for goods or money lost. We discourage students from bringing expensive articles to school. Students are not allowed to wear bangles rings or ornaments.
  • All students are expected to bring the tiffin with them for the noon recess. They are not permitted to buy eatables from the vendors. Tiffin carriers will not be accepted at the gate/office.
  • School property damaged or destroyed will have to be paid for. Damage done even by accident must be reported the principal. A fine may also be imposed for offences.
  • Running, playing, shouting and whistling inside the school building are not allowed.
  • Money should not be lent or borrowed or articles exchanged between students.
  • All should be careful not to throw any paper or waste material in the school premises.
  • Parents/Guardians are not allowed to enter any classroom for any reason.
  • Attendants who bring students to school must be decently dressed and leave the school immediately.